
API Name



Provides the list of target types and their configuration for passed server group

REST Methods



Server Manager Console must be running.

Input Params

TOKEN: The Header returned as a response to the /authenticate Server Manager REST API Call.

TOKEN: The Cookie returned as a response to the /authenticate Server Manager REST API Call.

AUTHORIZATION: Base64 encoded Basic username:password combination necessary for Authentication.

serverGroupName: The name of server Group which configuration needs to be fetched.

Sample Request

'' \

--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \

--header 'Authorization: Basic amRlX2FkbWluOmpkZV9hZG1pbg=='


HTTP status 200 is returned.

Sample Response


"ccTLS": false,

"result": {

"targetType": [



















400: Bad Request Status Code is returned in case the Request is not well formed for the API which is being invoked

403: Forbidden, Valid Authentication Information is not passed with the Request.

500: Internal Server Error, In the unlikely case of error occurring on the Server. Refer to the logs for more details.