Agent Log Level

The Management Agent generates log messages at various log levels. Use the Agent Log Level dropdown to change the level of the messages are written to the Management Agent logs. Any changes to the log level are stored in the Managed Home configuration and are used even after the Management Agent is restarted.

The log file receives all messages that are at or above the selected log level. For example, if the log level is configured to Fine the log files will receive all generated messages at the Fine, Config, Info, Warning, and Severe level.

The default and recommended level is Fine. The finer and finest log levels should only be used for troubleshooting a specific Server Manager issue.

  • Off

    This setting prevents any log messages from being written. It is not recommended to disable logging.

  • Severe

    This level is for errors from which the system is not able to recover. Severe events are very rare for Server Manager and indicate a significant problem that needs to be addressed.

  • Warning

    This level is for errors from which the system can recover; however these errors indicate a deviation from the expected path of least resistance scenario and are indicative of failure points in overall system health.

  • Info

    This level receives messages that indicate the high-level tasks the agent is performing.

  • Config

    This level includes information about the configuration or environment used by the Management Agent.

  • Fine

    This level includes trace-level logging messages used to understand not just which actions the Management Agent is performing but also details about how it is performing those tasks.

  • Finer

    This level contains more detailed messages.

  • Finest

    This level contains the most detailed messages and may generate large log files.

  • All

    At this level all log messaging levels are displayed; it is equivalent to selecting Finest.

The Management Agent writes log files to a subdirectory named logs on its the installation path. The log files may be viewed using the Server Manager log file viewer.

The Management Agent maintains up to ten log files with a maximum size of 10MB each. The most recent log file always has _0 in the filename. As the current log file reached the 10MB limit, the last log file is removed, the log index file for existing log files is increased, and the logging continues with a new file using the zero log index.