General Information

This image is described in surrounding text.

The General Information section will provide information for these parameters:

  • Process Name

    The name of the kernel process. The name indicates which kernel definition the kernel belongs to.

  • Process Type

    The description of the Enterprise Server process type.

  • Kernel Range

    The kernel definition index. The Enterprise Server is composed of kernels that process messages from other servers and clients. There are more than thirty different types of kernels. The range index indicates which kernel group this kernel belongs to.

  • Process ID

    The operating system assigned process identifier for the kernel process.

  • Process Index In Shared Memory

    An internal identifier used to locate the process position in the shared memory resources that track kernel and network processes.

  • Start Time

    The time the process was created.

  • Last Active Time

    The last time the kernel performed any activity such as processing incoming JDENET messages.

  • Messages Received

    The total number of messages (requests) that have been processed by the kernel process.

  • Outstanding Requests

    The number or requests that are queued and awaiting processing by the kernel process.

  • Parent Process ID

    The operating system assigned process identifier of the parent process.

  • IBM i Job Number

    The job number of the process, valid on the IBM i platform only.

  • Process User ID (OS)

    The operating system user id under which the process is running.

  • OS Group ID

    The group identifier of the os user running the process; valid only on unix based platforms.

  • OS Username

    The operating system user name under which the process is running.

  • OS Status

    The status of the process as reported by the operating system:

    0 = Sleeping

    1 = Running

    2 = Stopped

    3 = Zombie

    4 = Other