JDBj Database Caches

JDBj Database Caches cache management enables one to select the Instance that they want to look at, and within the Instance the Cache name that they want to track. Based on this selection the appropriate JDBj Service Cache metrics are displayed. Caches maintained by the HTML server may be viewed and cleared across a single or multiple instances.

This image is described in surrounding text.

In the Instance Name field, select the instance name of the managed instance from which you wish to view user sessions, or select ALL to view all instances. After making the selection, click the Submit Query button.

The fields in the Cache Management section are:

  • Instance Name

    All can be selected which will display every instance selected, or an individual instance can be selected. The selections available are:


    individual instance name


  • Cache Name

    All can be selected which will display every cache within the instance selected, or an individual cache can be selected.

    Values available are:

    Data Dictionary Glossary Text

    Data Dictionary Alpha Cache

    Row Column Cache

    JDBJ Security Cache

    JDBJ Service Cache

    Serialized Objects

    Menu Cache

Select a value from the Instance Name and Cache Name field. When both fields have been selected, then click on the Submit Query button.