JDENET Socket Connections

JDENET Socket Connections displays all of the available socket connections in the connection pools for the selected managed instance(s). Sockets currently in use (check-out) are not displayed.

This image is described in surrounding text.

The grid fields for JDENET Socket Connections are:

  • Enterprise Server

    The name of the Enterprise Server the connection pool represents.

  • Local TCP/IP Port

    The TCP/IP port actually used by the connection.

  • Enterprise Server Connect Port

    The initial port (connect port) used to contact the Enterprise Server.

  • Actual Foreign Port

    The actual port on the Enterprise Server used.

  • Socket Good?

    If true the socket is valid and usable.

  • Timeout (ms)

    Timeout in milliseconds.

  • Messages Written

    The number of JDENET messages that have been written on the socket connection.

  • Bytes Written

    The number of bytes that have been written on the socket connection.

  • Socket in Use?

    If true the socket is in use by a thread

  • Checkout Time

    The time the socket was checked out by the thread using it.