Kernel Process Jobs (JDENET_K)

This image is described in surrounding text.

This section will list each of the kernel types and the current number of processes for each type. The information in this section includes:

  • Kernel Index

    The kernel definition index. Each kernel type has a distinct value, which corresponds to the JDENET_KERNEL_DEF## section in the JDE.INI where ## represents the kernel index value.

  • Kernel Type

    A textual description to the kernel process type.

  • Active Kernel Count

    The number of kernel processes of the specified type that is running.

  • Current Maximum

    The current maximum number of processes of the specified type that may simultaneously exist. This value is an in-memory value only; if the Enterprise Server is restarted the maximum processes will be reloaded from the INI configuration file.

  • New Maximum

    You may specify a new maximum number of simultaneous processes for a particular kernel. The value must be equal to or greater than the current number of processes of the specified kernel type.

If the New Maximum has been changed, click the Save button next to the changed number to save the change.