OS400 ()

In order for the Management Agent to function, it is required that JDK 1.5 be installed on the IBM i machine.

Start the Management Agent as a Background Job

As shown below, you must use the "&" switch as a suffix for the command script in order to start the Management Agent as a background job. Launching the job in this manner means that when you leave the qshell the job will not die.

User Installing, Starting, or Restarting the Management Agent

The user who installs, starts or restarts the agent must have the minimum permissions of *ALLOBJ, *SAVSYS and *JOBCTL and *SECADM. After the Management Agent installation is complete, it will start. It is important to note that when starting the Management Agent the user that is signed onto the IBM i machine is the user that executes the functionality when the Management Agent is performing Server Manager work. That user must not be a user that has a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Enterprise Server library in its library list (for example: E900SYS).

Agent Commands

For the Management Agent running on the IBM i platform, you can run these commands from the default /JDEdwards/JDE_HOME/SCFHA/bin folder:





To submit each command to batch:

  1. To stop, start, or restart the Management Agent, log in to OS400 with a user profile which has sufficient privileges to operate these services.

    You should ensure that the job queue that the user belongs to is one that is not interrupted during processing. Because it is interruptible, a job queue such as QINTER might not be the best choice for the job queue in which to run the Management Agent. You should consider this warning when selecting the user with the correct permissions and configuration to run the Management Agent processing tasks.

  2. To submit the Management Agent action (stop, start, or restart) to batch so it runs in a subsystem other than QINTER:

    This image is described in surrounding text.

    where in this example, the job queue is QTXTSRCH, which is a job queue that is delivered by IBM. This job queue has no thread limitation and runs in the QBATCH subsystem.

  3. You can use the work with active jobs command to view the processes running under the QBATCH subsystem. For example:

    This image is described in surrounding text.
    This image is described in surrounding text.
  4. If you want to kill the initial startAgent job, you can issue this command:


    where QTXTSRCH is the name of the job queue previously started.

  5. To verify the job is killed, you can use this work with active jobs command to view the processes running under the QBATCH subsystem:

    This image is described in surrounding text.