Understanding Health Check Tasks

The following table lists the tasks the system performs when you run the health check on an instance:

Instance Name

Health Check Task

HTML Server

Checks the following:

  • Login

    Logs in to the server using the health check user name and password.

  • Interactive App

    By default, launches the interactive application P01012_W01012B with version ZJDE0001.

    Tools Release 9.2.6. An administrator can specify the interactive application and version to run as part of executing the Health Check through Server Manager and Server Manager APIs. The Server Manager navigation to configure a specific application and version for a health check is Configuration → Advanced View → Miscellaneous → Health Check Configurations.

  • UBE

    By default, runs the UBE R0006P with version XJDE0001.

    Tools Release 9.2.6. An administrator can specify the UBE and version to run as part of executing the Health Check through Server Manager and Server Manager APIs. The Server Manager navigation to configure a specific UBE and version for a health check is Configuration → Advanced View → Miscellaneous → Health Check Configurations.

  • OVR

    Runs the OVR using the task ID OVRHEALTHCHECK.

Enterprise Server

Checks the following:

  • Port Test

    Runs the port test.

  • UBE

    By default, runs the UBE R0006P with version XJDE0001.

    Tools Release 9.2.6. An administrator can specify the UBE and version to run as part of executing the Health Check through Server Manager and Server Manager APIs. The Server Manager navigation to configure a specific UBE and version for a health check is Configuration → Advanced View → Miscellaneous → Health Check Configurations.

  • BSFN

    Runs the GetEffectiveAddress BSFN.

AIS Server

Checks the following:

  • Login

    Logs in to the server using the health check user name and password.

  • Form Service App

    By default, launches the interactive application P01012_W01012B with version ZJDE0001.

    Tools Release 9.2.6. An administrator can specify the interactive application and version to run as part of executing the Health Check through Server Manager and Server Manager APIs. The Server Manager navigation to configure a specific application and version for a health check is Configuration → Advanced View → Miscellaneous → Health Check Configurations.

  • Form Service UBE

    By default, runs the UBE R0006P with version XJDE0001.

    Tools Release 9.2.6. An administrator can specify the UBE and version to run as part of executing the Health Check through Server Manager and Server Manager APIs. The Server Manager navigation to configure a specific UBE and version for a health check is Configuration → Advanced View → Miscellaneous → Health Check Configurations.

  • JWT Trust Login

    Checks the JWT Trust login.

  • Basic Auth (Release

    Checks if Basic Authentication is configured properly for the AIS Server.


Checks the following:

  • BSSV login and BSSV DB Service

    Checks the BSSV login and runs the dbservice BSSV (JPR01000 - getAddressBook).

  • BSFN Execution

    Runs the GetEffectiveAddress BSFN.

RTE Server

Checks the following:

  • DB Connection

    Connection to the bootstrap database.

  • Deployment

    All the available JMS resources. This includes JMS Queue/Topic/QueueConnectionFactory/TopicConnectionFactory/EJB and JDBC DataSource (if applicable).

    Connection to the Event client.

  • Event Trigger

    If the event trigger is available and active.

Oracle Database Server

Checks the following:

  • Connection

    Connection to the DB.

  • Configuration

    The File System I/O options of the DB. Displays the status as success if the value is SETALL; otherwise a warning is displayed.

    The DB log mode. Displays the status as success if the DB log mode is ARCHIVELOG; otherwise a warning is displayed.

    The password profile information. Displays the status as success if PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME parameter is set to UNLIMITED; otherwise a warning is displayed.

  • E1 User Account

    The account status for the user JDE.

  • Schema Deployment

    The schema deployment status. Displays the status as success if the pathcode/shared shemas are available else, displays an error.