Mapping Parameters to the Enabled Form

The system determines the parameters that are available for mapping. These parameters are based on the EnterpriseOne data structure for form interconnects. This data structure is used to pass values to and from the form. In order to make valid and useful mappings, it is important that you understand how EnterpriseOne forms are designed. For more information about form data structure interconnects, see "Working with Forms" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Form Design Aid Guide.

The following list provides some information about parameter mappings:

  • You can map more than one parameter on the embedded form to the enabled form.

  • You can embed the same form multiple times; however, each embedded form must have different criteria for displaying information.

    Note: Each embedded form depends on its own event rule (ER) logic. This means that each embedded form may behave differently, even if it is the same form with different mappings. Even different versions of the same form may behave differently when the same or different fields are mapped.
  • Ensure that you map the same data types (such as character, numeric, string, date).

    If you try to map parameters and fields that are different data types, the system sends a warning message indicating that this mapping may not work.

    The warning message is based on a very generic set of rules. If you try to map fields that cross the type categories, the system applies the rules and sends the warning message. The system cannot always validate fields, even if the data type is the same. It is important that you test the embedded forms to ensure they work as you expect them to work.