Root Catalog

The root catalog provides the default entry point folder when a user launches the OAS catalog to create OAS content. By default, this folder could be the root folder, which is a forward slash (/) in the template. However, for security reasons, accessing the OAS catalog at the root level may not be allowed in production. You should use a more specific path instead.

Important: Within the <property> tags, the <name> must be root catalog because this is the hard-coded name in the system. If you use another name, the system ignores it. Only the <value> element is configurable.

There are two ways to define the root catalog:

  • Log into the Oracle Analytics Server and click the Catalog tab and then the Manage Catalog button. The Manage Catalog window appears with the navigation link start from root folder "/". Drill up or down by clicking the parent or child links. When you find the folder location that you want to use as the root catalog for the EnterpriseOne end user, manually enter the folder path (for example, /shared/SampleSales) as the softcoding value for root catalog. The path is case sensitive. Make sure that you type the exact folder path. If the path is misspelled, EnterpriseOne fails to open the path. If you need to change the value for the root catalog, you must correct the value in P954000 and restart the HTML server to clean up the cached information.

  • The second approach can help you avoid typographical errors. You can use value "/" for initial testing if the mapped OAS user has permission to access the root folder.