Understanding the Framework Edit Mode

You must be in edit mode to create new content and layouts or to make changes to existing content and layouts. When you click the Layout drop-down list, you see layouts that are available to you and is in one of these categories:

  • Personal: Layouts that are viewable by you only.

  • Pending Approval: Layouts that you created and requested the layout be published so that it can be shared with other authorized users. Only you can see your layouts that are pending approval.

  • Rework: Layouts that are rejected for publishing and have been returned to you for fixing. Only you can see layouts that are in the Rework category.

  • Reserved: Layouts that you have moved from Pending Approval so that you can change them before they are published or your layouts that are rejected for publishing and are in the Rework category.

    You can reserve an existing shared layout. When you reserve a shared layout, there are two copies of it: the original shared layout that only you can view and modify (the reserved copy) and the original shared layout that is still available to other authorized users. When you reserve a shared layout, no other authorized user can reserve the same layout.

  • Shared: Layouts that have been published and are available to all authorized users.