Validating a Web Page URL

Web page content and the EnterpriseOne form must be able to appear together in the same browser window on the Composite Application Framework. The web page URL is implemented as an embedded iFrame. An iFrame is a website that is embedded within another website with both websites appearing in the browser. Some websites implement code to prevent other websites from embedding their website in an iFrame. The Composite Application Framework validate function detects whether the URL you enter can be embedded in the EnterpriseOne form.

After you enter a URL in the web page link information section, clicking Validate triggers the validation process. If the validation process finds that the URL and the enabled form can display together on a layout, the validation process briefly displays the web page content in a separate window, and sends a message in a popup window stating that the URL is successfully validated. This message means that the validation process was successfully completed; it does not mean that the URL is valid.

Important: Because of the many different ways a website can be built, the validation process cannot guarantee that the URL you select will always be able to be embedded in the EnterpriseOne form especially if the website changes dynamically. The result is an empty content frame even though you received the message indicating the URL successfully validated.

If the validation process finds that the URL and the enabled form cannot display together on a layout, the validation process displays a message in a separate window indicating that the content cannot be displayed in a frame. The system does not prevent you from saving this URL, but the content frame will be empty.

Note: Later versions of browsers (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome) automatically block mixed content. Mixed content occurs when you are running an HTML server in secure mode (HTTPS) and the child content that you want to embed uses HTTP. When this happens, you might get an empty frame.You can disable the blocking feature. To obtain instructions for disabling the block, search the Internet for your browser and the words mixed content (for example, Internet Explorer mixed content, FireFox mixed content, Chrome mixed content).