Viewing the Composite Application Framework

All authorized users have Viewer access to the Composite Application Framework. When you open an enabled EnterpriseOne form, the Composite Application Framework shows the enabled form along with one or more layouts that show frames of content that contain information from other sources. A user who is authorized to create and publish content organizes content frames on a layout and publishes the layout so tat authorized users can view and use the content on the layout. Your EnterpriseOne administrator controls the content that is available for you.

The following conditions must exist for you to use the Composite Application Framework:

  • You are enabled to view the layout of the Composite Application Framework.

  • You are granted access to the content in the layout.

    If you do not have access to a frame of content, the content frame does not appear on the layout.

  • Your EnterpriseOne preferences shows the Show Layout option selected.

Note: If you do not see the Composite Application Framework and your EnterpriseOne administrator has enabled you as a viewer for an EnterpriseOne application form, verify that the Show Layout option is selected in your EnterpriseOne preferences. To do this, on EnterpriseOne, click the down arrow next to your user name, click Preferences under the Personalization category, and then select the Show Layouts option. If this option is selected and you do not see the framework, contact your EnterpriseOne administrator.

You can change your view of the framework by:

  • Selecting a different layout, if available.

  • Minimizing and maximizing content frames.

  • Resizing content frames.

  • Viewing content in a separate browser window.