Accessibility for Watchlist Management Window

The Watchlist Management window is used to add, edit, share, or delete watchlists.

Note: You must login to the JD Edwards Enterprise One web client with a User ID that has the right to create, share and view Watchlists.

Use the Ctrl+Y hot key to open or close the Watchlist Management window when inside the main application frame.

You can also use the links list window of the screen reader software to access the Add, Edit Watchlists link to open the Watchlist Management window. Ensure that the application you use has an Advanced Query created.

Use the Tab key to focus on the required fields in the Watchlists Management window. The screen reader software reads the label and value (if there is any) of the fields.

This table lists the details read by the screen reader software when you navigate through the Watchlist Management window.

Navigation Path/Controls



The screen reader software reads the title of the field.

In the Watchlist Name combo box, private watchlists created by the user is displayed under My Watchlists section. The published watchlists assigned to the user are displayed under a Shared Watchlists section and shared watchlists reserved by the user is displayed under a Reserved Watchlists section.

My Watchlists section

When you navigate to the first or last watchlist in the My Watchlists section, the screen reader software reads as Alert My Watchlists followed by the watchlist name to specify that it is the beginning of the My Watchlists section.

Reserved Watchlists section

When you navigate to the first watchlist in the Reserved Watchlists section, the screen reader software reads as Alert Reserved Watchlists (Reserved by the User ID) followed by the watchlist name to specify that it is the beginning of the Reserved Watchlists section.

Shared Watchlists section

When you navigate to the first watchlist in the Shared Watchlists section, the screen reader software reads as Alert Shared Watchlists followed by the watchlist name to specify that it is the beginning of the Shared Watchlists section.

When you navigate to any Reserved Watchlist or a Shared Watchlist that has also been reserved, the screen reader software reads as Alert Reserved by the User ID followed by the watchlist name to identify to the user that the watchlist has been reserved by the specific user.

Watchlist Description

The screen reader software reads the name of the field.

Warning Threshold

The screen reader software reads the name of the field.

Critical Threshold

The screen reader software reads the name of the field.

Advanced Options Link

Use the tab key to navigate to the Advanced Options link and press the Enter key to expand it and display the fields under it.

After expanding the Advanced Options link, use the Tab key to access Refresh Interval and Max Records to Return fields. You can also use the links list Window of the screen reader software to activate the Advanced Options link and display the fields under it. To collapse the Advanced Options link, use the Tab key to set the focus on the Advanced Options link and then, press Enter.

Query to be used

Use this combo box to select the Advanced Query over which the watchlist is to be created.

Use Up or Down arrow keys to navigate through the Advanced Query values and after selecting a value, the details of the query is loaded into the Query Details group box. Use the Tab key to set focus on the Query Details group box that has the complete details of the Advanced Query.

Use the Tab key to set the focus on Match all of the following or Match any of the following text and the screen reader software will read the text.

Use the Tab key to set the focus on the first Query condition. The screen reader software will read the Query condition. Use the Tab key to move to the next query condition.

Save Watchlist

Use the links list window of the screen reader software to access this link.

Save Watchlist As

Use the links list window of the screen reader software to access this link.

Publish Watchlist

Use the links list window of the screen reader software to access this link.

Reserve Watchlist

Use the links list window of the screen reader software to access this link.

Delete Watchlist

Use the links list window of the screen reader software to access this link.

About Watchlist

Use the links list window of the screen reader software to access this link.

Close Side Panel

Use the links list window of the screen reader software to access this link.

Validation errors or errors returned from the server

The screen reader software reads these error messages as Alert followed by the appropriate error message.

Use the Tab key to navigate through the fields. When the focus is set on the field that contains an error, the screen reader software reads the name of the field and it's value as Invalid Entry to indicate that it is an error field.

Creating a new watchlist

When you are creating a new watchlist using the Save Watchlist/Save Watchlist As link or Publishing a Watchlist using the Publish Watchlist link, an Enter New Watchlist Name window is displayed.

This window has a text field to enter the new watchlist name and an OK button to Save/Publish the Watchlist.

You can use the Tab key to shift focus from the text field to the OK button. Press Enter key to select the OK button.

Use the links list window of the screen reader software to select Close option to close the Watchlist Name window.