Controls in JD Edwards EnterpriseOne

The screen reader software reads the names of the controls and the associated details when you navigate to the various form controls in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne application.

This table lists the details read by the screen reader software when you navigate through the various form controls:

Name of the Form Control

Details given by the screen reader software


Reads the following details:

  • The text description of the associated label, when the edit control has an associated label.

  • Required field - when the edit control is a required field.

  • Errors and warnings when an error or warning is set on the edit control. The error details include information which indicates "Error on Control" or "Warning on Control," the error "No," and the cause and resolution for the error or warning.

  • Visual assist details when the edit control is associated with a visual assist. The visual assist details include information which indicates if the visual assist is a form interconnect, calendar, calculator or UTime.

  • The text for the associated description, when a value entered in the edit control has an associated description loaded onto the screen.

  • The value entered in the edit control.

Push Button

Reads the title for the push button control. If a hot key is defined for the push button control, the screen reader software reads the hot key information within parenthesis.

Check Box

Reads the text description of the label associated with the check box control.

Radio Button

Reads the text description of the label associated with the radio button control. When you navigate to a radio button that is logically grouped inside a group box, the screen reader software reads the title for the Group Box (if any) and then the text description of the label associated with the radio button.

Combo Box

Reads the text description of the label associated with the combo box control. When you navigate through the list of items in the combo box, the screen reader software reads the text description for each item.

Static Text

Reads the text description of the associated static text control.


Reads the text description of the ALT associated with the image control.

Text Block

Reads the text description for the segment associated with the text block control.

Tab Control

Reads the following details:

  • Active Tab and then the name of the tab page if you navigate to the currently active Tab page. For example if the Versions tab is the currently active tab, the screen reader software reads it as Active Tab: Versions.

  • Tab and then the name of the tab page if you navigate to the currently inactive Tab page. For example when you navigate to the Process tab that is inactive, the screen reader software reads it as Tab: Process.

Note: When the Tab pages are displayed as links, you can navigate to the Tab Page links using the screen reader software links list window.

Apart from the controls listed in this table, there are some additional controls in JD Edwards EnterpriseOne applications that are accessible through the screen reader software.

The other controls include:

  • Grid control

  • Calendar control

  • Tree control

  • Extended form control (Release

Grid Control

The screen reader software reads the associated details when you navigate through the grid in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne application.

The grid control is accessible as a table.

The QBE row and the column header row constitute the first two rows of the table, with the QBE row being the first row and the column header row being the second row. When you navigate to the table, the screen reader software reads the number of columns and rows, then the name of the grid. For example, in the Work with Addresses Grid in the P01012 application, after typing "T" to jump to the first table, the screen reader software might read "grid with 8 columns and 12 rows, Address Book Revisions - Work with Addresses QBE Row records 1-10, column 1, row 1."

Each data row is accessible using the screen reader table navigation commands (for example, CTRL+ALT+arrow keys in JAWS), with the QBE row being the first row and the column header being the second row.

Note: If user navigates horizontally in a grid row (including QBE row, grid header row, or grid data row), the screen reader reads the column header for each cell the user navigates.If user navigates vertically in a grid column (including row selector column, attachment column, or data column), the screen reader reads the row header for each cell the user navigates.

This table lists the details read by the screen reader software when you navigate through the grid:

Navigation Path

Details given by the screen reader software

QBE edit field in a QBE row

Reads the following details:

  • The text description of the label for the QBE edit field which is actually the corresponding column's header and then the text QBE. For example, for the Address Number QBE field, the screen reader software reads it as Address Number QBE.

  • The visual assist details, when the QBE edit field is associated with a visual assist. The visual assist details include information which indicates if the visual assist is a form interconnect, calendar, calculator or UTime.

Cells in a data row

Reads the corresponding column header text and then the contents of the current cell.

Row selector check box cell in a data row

Reads as Checkbox checked or not checked and then reads the Row No.

Paper clip image

Reads Attachment or No Attachment, when you navigate to a paper clip image for Attachment in the Click to search for the Attachments cell.

Next image

Reads as Next and then the name for the grid (same as the Form Title) as a suffix. Hence, if there is more than one grid on the form, you can clearly identify the grid to which the Next image belongs. For example, the Next image on the Work with Addresses grid, the screen reader software reads as Next: Work with Addresses.

Previous image

Reads as Previous and then reads the name of the grid as a suffix.

Personalize Grid icon

Reads as Personalize Grid and then the name of the grid as a suffix.

Grid formats combo box

Reads as Grid Column Display and then the name of the grid as a suffix.

image for Export Grid Data

Reads as Export Grid Data (Ctrl+Shift+E) and then the name of the grid as a suffix.

image for Import Grid Data

Reads as Import Grid Data (Ctrl+Shift+I) and then the name of the grid as a suffix.

Restore Grid

Reads as Restore Grid (Alt+R) and then the name of the grid as a suffix.

This table lists the details read by the screen reader software when you navigate to the grid cells:

Navigation Path

Details given by the screen reader software

Check Box

When you navigate to a grid cell that has its display style set to check box, the screen reader software reads the corresponding Column Header text and then Check Box checked or unchecked.

Combo Box

When you navigate to a grid cell that has its display style set to combo box, the screen reader software reads the corresponding Column Header text and then the text description of the item selected in the combo box cell.

Edit Box

When you navigate to a grid cell that has its display style set to edit box, the screen reader software reads the following information:

  • The corresponding column header text.

  • The value of the current cell.

  • The error or warning details when an error or warning is set on the editable cell. The error details include information which indicates "Error on Cell" or "Warning on Cell", the error or warning description, and the cause and resolution for the error or warning.

  • The visual assist details when the editable cell is associated with a visual assist. The visual assist details include information which indicates if the visual assist is a form interconnect, calendar, calculator or UTime.


When you navigate to a grid cell that has its display style set to icon, the screen reader software reads this information:

  • The corresponding column header text.

  • The value of the current cell.

  • The ALT details of the <IMG> element corresponding to the icon.

Clickable Text

When you navigate to a grid cell that has its display style set to clickable text, the screen reader software reads the corresponding column header text and then the data content of the current cell.

Calendar Control

The screen reader software reads the associated details when you navigate to the calendar controls in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne application.

This table lists the details read by the screen reader software when you navigate to the various calendar controls:

Navigation Path

Details given by the screen reader software

Day tab

Reads as Active Tab: Day (Ctrl+Alt+D), when the Day tab is the currently active tab.

Week tab

Reads as Tab: Week (Ctrl+Alt+W).

Month tab

Reads as Tab: Month (Ctrl+Alt+M).

Add Activity button

Reads as Add Activity (Ctrl+Alt+A).

Previous link/image on the Calendar control

Reads as:

  • Previous Day (Ctrl+Alt+K), when the Day tab is the currently active tab.

  • Previous Week (Ctrl+Alt+K), when the Week tab is the currently active tab.

  • Previous Month (Ctrl+Alt+K), when the Month tab is the currently active tab.

Next link/image

Reads as:

  • Next Day (Ctrl+Alt+Q), when the Day tab is the currently active tab.

  • Next Week (Ctrl+Alt+Q), when the Week tab is the currently active tab.

  • Next Month (Ctrl+Alt+Q), when the Month tab is the currently active tab.

Link for an activity added

Reads the text describing the activity details.

Calendar icon for an activity

Reads as Calendar Icon.

Previous image

Reads as Previous (Ctrl+Alt+K): Month Year. For example, for a Previous image on the Reference calendar for month of June, 2017, the screen reader software reads it as Previous (Ctrl+Alt+K): June 2017.

Next image

Reads as Next (Ctrl+Alt+Q): Month Year. For example, for a Next image on the Reference calendar for month of June, 2017, the screen reader software reads it as Next (Ctrl+Alt+Q): June 2017.

Calendar Week Drill image

Reads as Calendar Week Drill: Week No Month Year. For example, for a Calendar Week Drill image referring to the first week of month of June, 2017 on the Reference calendar, the screen reader software reads it as "Calendar Week Drill: Week 1. June 2017."

Note: The Week No can vary from 1 to 5, depending on the week the Calendar Week Drill image refers to.

Day link

Reads the date, month, and the year details. For example, for the day link for 28 June 2017, the screen reader software reads it as 28 June 2017.

Note: For a tab that is currently active, the prefix is set as "Active Tab" while for the other tabs, the prefix is set as "Tab."

Tree Control

The screen reader software reads the associated details when you navigate to the various tree controls in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne application.

The tree control is accessible as a table, where the first row in the table is the header row consisting of two columns with the headers set as:

  • Row Selector

  • Tree Node Text

This table lists the details read by the screen reader software when you navigate to the Row Selector radio button in the tree control:

Name of the Node

Details given by the screen reader software

Root Node (collapsed)

Reads it as Tree Row Selector for Root Node, the value in the cell, and Collapsed.

Root Node (expanded)

Reads it as Tree Row Selector for Root Node, the value in the cell and Expanded.

Child Node at Level N (sibling collapsed)

Reads it as Tree Row Selector for Child Node at Level N with Sibling, the value in the cell, and Collapsed.

Child Node at Level N (sibling expanded)

Reads it as Tree Row Selector for Child Node at Level N with Sibling, the value in the cell, and Expanded.

Child Node at Level N (without sibling collapsed)

Reads it as Tree Row Selector for Child Node at Level N without Sibling, the value in the cell, and Collapsed.

Child Node at Level N (without sibling expanded)

Reads it as Tree Row Selector for Child Node at Level N without Sibling, the value in the cell, and Expanded.

Leaf Node (with sibling at Level N)

Reads it as Tree Row Selector for Leaf Node with sibling: Level N and then the value in the cell.

Leaf Node (without sibling at Level N)

Reads it as Tree Row Selector for Leaf Node without sibling: Level N and then the value in the cell.

This table lists the details read by the screen reader software when you navigate to TreeNodeCell in the tree control:

Name of the Node

Details given by the screen reader software

Root Node (collapsed)

Reads it as Root Node, the value in the cell, and collapsed.

Root Node (expanded)

Reads it as Root Node, the value in the cell and expanded.

Child Node at Level N (sibling collapsed)

Reads it as Child Node at Level N with Sibling, the value in the cell, and Collapsed. To expand use (Ctrl+Shift+Right Arrow).

Child Node at Level N (sibling expanded)

Reads it as Child Node at Level N with Sibling, the value in the cell, and Expanded. To collapse use (Ctrl+Shift+Left Arrow).

Child Node at Level N (without sibling collapsed)

Reads it as Child Node at Level N without Sibling, the value in the cell, and Collapsed. To expand use (Ctrl+Shift+Right Arrow).

Child Node at Level N (without sibling expanded)

Reads it as Child Node at Level N without Sibling, the value in the cell, and Expanded. To collapse use (Ctrl+Shift+Left Arrow).

Leaf Node (with sibling at Level N)

Reads it as Leaf Node with sibling: Level N: and then the value in the cell.

Leaf Node (without sibling at Level N)

Reads it as Leaf Node without sibling: Level N and then the value in the cell.

When you navigate to a TreeNodeCell of text type that is set with a special bitmap, along with the other details, the screen reader software reads Special Setting for Node and the corresponding name of the image. For example, when you navigate to a TreeNodeCell that is set with a special bitmap called Group, along with all the other details, the screen reader software reads it as Special Setting For Node:Group.

Extended Form Control (Release

Extended form controls that you add using the form extensions feature are accessible using the screen software reader. You can navigate to these extended controls using the keyboard.