Copying and Pasting Grid Data

In JD Edwards EnterpriseOne, you can select a single cell or a range of cells that contains grid data to copy and paste into any EnterpriseOne editable grid. An editable grid is one in which you can enter or delete data. You can also paste grid data into a tab delimited spreadsheet, like Microsoft Excel. You deselect cells by pressing the F5 button on your keyboard, or by clicking outside of the grid.

The "start cell" is the first grid cell you click to begin selecting a range of cells. The "end cell" is the last grid cell you click to end selecting a range of cells. The cells you select to copy can be editable or non-editable.

To copy and paste grid data:

Navigate to an application grid that contains the data that you want to copy.

  1. Select a range of cells to copy by completing one of the following actions:

    • Click the start cell and, while holding down the left button, drag the mouse to the end cell. If the start cell is editable, you cannot use this action to select a range of cells. Instead, use the action described below.

    • Click on the start cell and while pressing the Shift key on your keyboard, click on the end cell. You can expand the range of cells you have already selected by pressing the Shift key and clicking on a different end cell.

      As you move your cursor toward the scroll bar, the grid will automatically begin scrolling so that you can select a cell outside of those that are currently visible on the grid.

    • Click the check box located beside a record. Press the Ctrl+C keys on your keyboard.

      This option only works if you have not selected a range of cells as described in option A or B.

  2. Press the Ctrl+C keys on the keyboard.

    The grid data that you selected is copied to the EnterpriseOne clipboard, which is located at the following location: \WINDOWS\system32\clipbrd.exe

  3. Navigate to an editable grid, and place your cursor in an editable cell.

    It is important that you notice in which columns you are pasting the grid data. EnterpriseOne enables you to paste the grid data in any field on an editable grid, regardless of whether or not the columns match up. Therefore, you can paste grid date from an Alias Name column into an Address column, and EnterpriseOne will not correct the action.

  4. Press the Ctrl+V keys on the keyboard.

    EnterpriseOne pastes the data into the grid.