Deleting Media Objects

When you no longer need an attachment, use the Delete feature on Media Objects to remove the object. When you delete text, the text is permanently erased. When you delete images and OLE objects, you remove the attachment of the file to the record. The system continues to store a file for the object.

Access a form where attachments are available.

  1. Complete one of these tasks:

    • To delete an attachment to a form, from the Form menu, select Attachments.

      If attachments exist for the form, click the paper clip button to the right of the status bar.

    • To delete an attachment to a grid row, select a row with a paper clip button, and then, from the Row menu, select Attachments.

  2. On the Media Objects form, select the appropriate button in the button panel and then select Delete from the File menu.

  3. On Confirm Media Object Delete, click Yes to confirm the deletion.

    The button disappears from the button panel.

  4. When you finish, from the File menu, select Save and Exit.