Error Messages and Error Dialog Boxes

When you enter information into a field that is inaccurate or unrecognizable by JD Edwards EnterpriseOne, or if you fail to enter data into a required field, the field displays a red background to indicate the error, and an error message displays at the top of the form. If there are multiple errors on one form, they display as a list at the top of the form. You can view more information about the error by clicking the arrow located to the left of the error message. If the error message has a Go To Error link to the right of it, you can click the link and JD Edwards EnterpriseOne places your cursor in the field that correlates to the error message.

When you place your cursor in a field that contains an error, a dialog box displays that further identifies what you must enter into the field to correct the error. You can move the dialog box by clicking the top of it and dragging it to another location on the screen. You can tab out of the field to validate the information. After the information is validated, the error message is removed from the list. To view all the errors on the form listed at the top of the form, click Go to Top. To disable the pop-up dialog box, clear the Enable Error Pop-Ups check box at the top of the form.

To view error messages and correct errors:

  1. On the application on which you are working, if there are red fields indicating errors, scroll to the top of the form and review the error messages that are displayed.

  2. If the error messages you are viewing contains a Go to Error link, click the link to go to the field that correlates to the error message.

  3. Enter valid information into the field.

  4. Tab out of the field, to ensure that the information you entered is correct or recognizable. If it is, the dialog box disappears, the field displays a white background, and the error message is removed from the list.