Finding and Replacing within Text Media Objects

EnterpriseOne enables you to find and replace text media objects. You can search for a word, phrase, or a sentence and EnterpriseOne shows all the instances in the text attachment for the occurence of the search query. You can replace the findings of the search with another text input.

To find and replace your text media objects:

  1. Click the Find icon located on the media object control toolbar. The system will display the search bar on a separate window.
  2. You can search for a word, phrase, or a sentence. The Find option has the following fields:

    Match case: Check this option to limit the search operation to words whose case matches the spelling (uppercase and lowercase letters) entered in the Find What field. This means that the search becomes case-sensitive.

    Match whole word: Check this option to find entire words only.

    Match cyclic: Check this option to continue the search from the beginning of the document after the end of the document is reached.

  3. Click the Replace tab. The first occurrence of the text is highlighted. If the text cannot be found, a message box opens informing you that the text was not found in the selected content. Click OK to close the message box.
  4. Click Replace to replace the first occurrence with the replacement text.
  5. Click Replace as needed to replace the next occurrence of the text or Click Replace All to replace all occurrences with the replacement text.