HTML Media Objects

The HTML editor offers eight font faces (Arial, Courier New, Comic Sans, Georgia, Helvetica, Impact, Tahoma, Times New Roman) and font size from HTML size 1 to 7.

Note: The font appearance is dependent on the browser being used.
Note: Tab space is not supported in the HTML editor.

When the HTML mode is enabled and you access an existing ActiveX attachment you are presented with two options:

  1. Download File

  2. Data conversion

The data conversion option converts the ActiveX text to HTML and is displayed in the HTML editor.

Note: Once the data is converted and saved to the database in HTML it cannot be returned to the ActiveX RTF format.

The ActiveX rich text editor supports font sizes from 10 to 72 pts, the HTML editor supports HTML font size 1 to 7. The font mapping for the data conversion is listed below.

ActiveX Font Size

HTML Font Size



11, 12


13, 14


16, 18


20, 22, 24


26, 28, 36, 48, 72


If a company switches from HTML mode to ActiveX mode after attachments were created, the attachments become read-only.