Importing and Exporting to the Clipboard

Exporting/importing to the Clipboard is available in ActiveX mode and HTML mode. When HTML mode is enabled the following options are removed:

  • Export to Word

  • Import from Excel

The clipboard functionality replaces these options when in HTML mode.

To export data to the clipboard:

  1. Navigate to the Export Assistant

  2. Select Export to Clipboard.

  3. Define the cell range in the Export Assistant.

  4. Click the Apply button.

  5. Press Ctrl+C to copy the data to the clipboard.

To Import Data from the Clipboard:

  1. Navigate to the source data.

  2. Copy the desired data.

  3. Navigate to the Import Assistant from the target application.

  4. Select Import From Clipboard.

  5. Define an import location.

  6. Press Ctrl+V in the Import Assistant to view the data in the preview grid.

  7. Click the Continue button to complete the import.