JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Drop-down Menu Accessibility

The screen reader software reads the names of the links and the associated details when you navigate through the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Menu. All the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne menus are accessible as links using the screen reader software's links list window.

The Ctrl+M hot key brings the focus to the drop-down menu Home link. You can use the tab key to move to other menus, such as Favorites, Open Applications, and Reports.

Use the following navigation options in the main drop-down menu:

  • Up/Down Arrow - For navigating up or down in the drop-down menu.

  • Right Arrow - Displays submenu and the focus is set to the first element.

  • Left Arrow - Collapses the present submenu and the focus is set back to the parent drop-down menu.

You can use the CTRL or Shift key along with the right arrow to see the available options context menu for the folders or tasks. Then, you can use the up/down arrow to navigate within these option. Use the Enter key to open these options.

This table lists the details read by the screen reader software for the corresponding controls or links when you navigate through the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Menu:

Controls/Navigation Path

Details given by the screen reader software


The screen reader software reads as Home link.

Drop-down menu

Reads as menu Name of the drop-down menu, to move through items press Up or Down arrow key.

Link for the Application task

Reads the names of the task, application, form, version and then the E1 Menu Application Task.

Link for the Report task

Reads the names of the task, application, form, version and then E1 Menu Report Task.

Link for the URL task

Reads the task name and then URL is followed by the URL name. For example, when you navigate to a URL task link called "Test URL" that refers to the URL – http://www.yahoo.com , the screen reader software reads as "Test URL. E1 Menu URL Task. URL Is http://www.yahoo.com".

Link for a Flyout task

Reads the task name and then E1 Menu Flyout. For example, when you navigate to the Flyout link for the Favorites task, the screen reader software reads Favorites. E1 Menu Flyout.

Note. You can use the CTRL or Shift key along with the right arrow to see the available options dialogue.

Link for an Action task

Reads the Action name followed by E1 Menu Action. For example, when you navigate to the My System Options action link, the screen reader software reads My System Options. Application: P0085 Form: W0085N. E1 Menu Action.

Link for Roles combo box

Reads as E1 Menu Roles.

Link for LearnJDE (Release 9.2.5)

Reads as LearnJDE.

Link for Preferences

Reads as Preferences, to move through items press Up or Down arrow.

Link for an Open Application

Reads the Application name, the number "N" which indicates that it is the Nth application that has been launched and finally E1 Menu Open Application. For Example, when you navigate to the "Work with Addresses" Open Application link, the screen reader software reads Work with Addresses (1). E1 Menu Open Application, where (1) indicates that "Work with Addresses" was the first application to be launched.

Bread Crumbs

Reads as View Breadcrumbs History link.

Note: When you activate a Flyout link for a task and then navigate to a specific Flyout Item link under the Flyout, the screen reader software first reads the name of the Flyout Item and then "E1 Menu Flyout Item For" followed by the task name. For example, when you Activate the Flyout link for the "Favorites" task and then navigate to the Flyout Item "Documentation", the screen reader software reads "Documentation. E1 Menu Flyout Item for Favorites."