Spell Checking Text Media Objects

EnterpriseOne enables you to spell check text media objects. When you run spell checker, EnterpriseOne displays your text in a read-only field, and highlights each word in red that it identifies as a possible error. It displays why it identified the item as an error, and provides suggestions to correct it. You can choose a suggestion, manually correct the word in Replace With field, or ignore the word.

You can enable or disable the items you want spell checker to identify as possible errors. The list below shows which items are enabled or disabled by default:

  1. Ignore All-Caps Words Option - Disabled.

  2. Ignore Words with Numbers Option - Disabled.

  3. Ignore Words with Mixed Case Option - Disabled.

  4. Ignore Domain Names Option - Enabled.

  5. Report Doubled Words Option - Enabled.

  6. Case Sensitive Option - Enabled.

  7. Suggest Split Words Option - Enabled.

If the language preference setting you are using is not supported by the spell checker, you will receive an error when you try to spell check your text media objects.

To spell check your text media objects:

  1. Click the Spell Check icon located on the media object control toolbar.

  2. On Spell Checker, choose one of the following options:

    • Change

      Click this option if you accept the suggestion displayed in the Replace With field. You can also manually change the word in the Replace With field, and click Change.

    • Change All

      Click this option if you want spell checker to automatically replace every instance of the word with the suggestion displayed in the Replace With field. You can also manually change the word in the Replace With field, and click Change All.

    • Ignore

      Click this option if you want to disregard that the word displayed in the Problem field is an error.

    • Ignore All

      Click this option if you want to disregard that all instances of the word displayed in the Problem field is an error.

    • Show Options

      Click this option to display a list of the items spell checker identifies as possible errors. Click the check box to enable or disable any item.

  3. Click OK to close the Spell Checker.