Understanding MailMerge Workbench

MailMerge Workbench merges Microsoft Word 6.0 (or higher) word processing documents with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system records to automatically print business documents, such as form letters. Some application suites, such as Human Resource Management, use these documents within their normal workflow process. See your application guides to determine which applications use mail-merge documents. In these applications, the system automatically prints the mail-merge documents as part of the workflow process, and no user intervention is needed.

You can use the Maintain MailMerge Documents application to add or change text in the business documents included with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne software to create new documents and to delete documents.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne software enables you to create HTML versions of mail-merge documents to send to web client users. After you add text and fields to the mail-merge document, you can copy it to an HTML version so that you can send mail-merge letters to web client users. When a mail-merge letter is generated, the system displays the letter in the Web Mail Merge program (P980040).