Understanding the Grid

Similar to Find/Browse forms, hierarchical grids, or Parent/Child browse forms, are used to query business views (BVs) and select records from BVs for operations. However, instead of a default grid control, hierarchical grids contain a default parent child control. Whether you have hierarchical grids depends on if your system administrator incorporated them into the applications you use.

The following table describes the features of the hierarchical grid:



Cut, Copy, and Paste

You can cut, copy, and paste a node in the tree. Cutting a node copies the data of a node and marks the node as being cut. Copying a node copies the data of a node. Pasting a node pastes the node as the last child of the new node. If the node is copied, the original node stays. If a node has been cut, the original node is removed. Cancel Cut will cancel the operation. Use the copy, cut, and paste buttons located on the toolbar of the grid to perform these functions.


You can change the indentation of a tree node. Use the Indent and Outdent buttons located on the toolbar of the grid to perform these functions.

Expand All

You can expand all the nodes in the tree. Use the Expand All button located on the toolbar of the grid to perform this function.

Collapse All

You can collapse all the nodes in the tree. Use the Collapse All button located on the toolbar of the grid to perform this function.

Fully Expand One Tree Node

You can fully expand a selected tree node. When this happens, all cascading children of the selected tree node will be displayed. Use the Expand All button to perform this function.

View Location Number

If your system administrator has turned on the View Location Number option, you see a number beside each tree node. Use this number to determine the location of the tree node within the tree.

Flat Display Tree

You can make all tree nodes display on one vertical level. Child nodes are not indented.

Select All Children

You can select all of the children in a node. Use the Select All button located on the toolbar of the grid to perform this function.

Editable Parent Child

You can edit the tree column and all the grid columns in the hierarchical grid.

Change Data Dictionary Item on the Fly

You can display custom selected columns in a user defined sequence.

Vertical Scrolling Keeps Column Header

When scrolling down grid data, the grid column header remains visible.