Updating a Subscription

Once you have created a subscription, you may want to update the subscription to, for example, change the delivery method or how often you are notified.

With Release, you may also want to update a subscription that was assigned to you. If the assigned subscription has been designed to disallow particular updates, you will see a lock icon next to the opt out option, delivery methods, inputs, or policy accordingly.

To update an existing subscription:

  1. In Subscription Manager, a list of your subscriptions appears on the left side of the form.

    With Release, both your subscriptions and assigned subscriptions appear in the list and can be easily differentiated by the icon to the left of the subscription name. By hovering over an assigned subscription name, you can see the role for which the subscription was created.

    With Release, the icon to the left of an assigned subscription name is gray if you have opted out.

  2. With Release, use the Show and Search fields to filter the subscription list.

    1. Select one of the following values from the Show drop-down menu to display all or a subset of the subscriptions:

      All. Show all subscriptions.

      Personal. Show only personal subscriptions.

      Assigned. Show only subscriptions to which you've been assigned.

      Assigned - Opt In. Show only subscriptions to which you've been assigned and opted in.

      Assigned - Opt Out. Show only subscriptions to which you've been assigned and opted out.

    2. Use the Search field to limit the subscription list to subscriptions with a notification name, notification description, subscription name, or role matching your text.

  3. Select your subscription and make the appropriate updates.

    For more information on specific fields and options, see Adding a New Subscription.

  4. With Release, you see an Opt Out option for assigned subscriptions. If the subscription was designed to allow it, you can use this option to stop receiving notifications for the assigned subscription.

  5. For assigned subscriptions, click the Reset button if you want to revert to the original subscription as it was assigned to you and discard any of your changes.

  6. Click the Save icon in the upper-right corner. If you have any errors or warnings, an exclamation point icon appears next to the Save icon and the errors or warnings appear next to the related fields. Correct or review them and click Save again. For warning messages about the email format, you can choose to ignore the warning by clicking Save for the second time.