e1pagehelper.js Configuration

Update the following items at the bottom of the e1pagehelper.js file, within the LocalDevConfig variable:

  • this.AIS_HOST

    Update the AIS Server that you want to use.

  • this.AIS_PORT

    Enter the port of the AIS Server.

  • this.USER_NAME

    Enter a valid user for the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne environment.

    In the getUserInfo function, there is a userPreference variable that is hard coded for local testing. The elements in the variable should be configured to match the user preferences of the user set up in this.USER_NAME.

    Specifically, simpleDateFormat must be checked. JET applications using date filters will not work if the formatted dates in the JET application are not formatted the same as seen in JD Edwards EnterpriseOne for the user.

    Example: getUser Info ()

    function getUserInfo()
       //alert("Not Available in Local Development Environment");
       var userPreference = 
                        addressNumber : "6001", 
                        country : " ", 
                        dateFormat : "MDE",
                        dateSeperator : "/", 
                        decimalFormat : ".", 
                        dstRule : "", 
                        env : "JDV920", 
                        fullName : "Allen, Ray",
                        lang : "en", 
                        locale : "en", 
                        role : "*All",
                        servicePack : "9.2.1", 
                        simpleDateFormat : "MM/dd/yyyy", 
                        timeFormat : "24",
                        userId : "JDE", 
                        userTimeZone : "26",
                        e1Lang: "  "
       return userPreference;
  • this.PASSWORD

    Enter a valid password for the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne environment.