Fetch UDC Descriptions

The template has built in functions to fetch UDC descriptions. The function, fetchUDCDescriptions, takes a udcArray that you define prior to calling, as well as a boolean used to fetch all values for a user defined code.

Use setUDCArray to define the udcArray prior to calling fetchUDCDescriptions. The function takes the Product Code and User Defined Code for the UDC, as well as the code to lookup, assuming that fetch all is not being done.

Once setUDCArray has been called for all of the codes to be looked up, fetchUDCDescriptions can be called and it will return a map of all the UDC values.

Example - Fetch UDC Descriptions

var udcArray = [];
    setUDCArray(udcArray, "17", "ST", "100");
    setUDCArray(udcArray, "17", "ST", "130");
    setUDCArray(udcArray, "17", "ST", "140");
    fetchUDCDescriptions(udcArray, false, function (udcDescMap)
This image is described in the surrounding text.