Title with Date Input

To add a title with date input to your page, define your title in the initPage of E1AISCalls.js:

setTitleFieldText("title1", "Number of New Contracts by Month/Year by Date");
setTitleFieldInput(self, "asOfDate", ojInputDate", oj.IntlConverterUtils.dateToLocalIso(new Date()), null, null, null, null, "25px");
setTitleFieldText("title2", "Through");
setTitleFieldInput(self, "asOfDateThrough", ojInputDate", oj.IntlConverterUtils.dateToLocalIso(new Date()));

Notice that in the first setTitleFieldInput, there is a "25px". This allows you to change the width size of the input variable.

Translate your title within jetTranslations. Verify that there is something in translatedArray, and then set the titles with the returned labels.

function jetTranslations(self, translatedArray)
    //Set your labels
        title = translatedArray.z__15.title;
        setTitleFieldTranslation("title1", title);

        title = translatedArray.z__16.title;
        setTitleFieldTranslation("title2", title);