Using isDataRequest for AIS Call

When performing an AIS call to get data from an application, you have the option to get the data directly from the business view associated with that application by setting isDataRequest to true. This will perform better than running the application using a form service request and loading the grid, but there are some things to keep in mind. There may be event rules running in the application that get additional data like associated descriptions or modify data that you want to display in your JET application. These may not be in the business view that the application is using. In those cases, it may be better to perform a form service request at the expense of some performance.

By using "isDataRequest = true" over an application rather than building your chart directly from a table or business view, you get the benefit of using the queries defined for that application (users may not have permissions to define queries in Data Browser), and the Query Builder form will be based on the application. It is usually easier to build a query in Query Builder when it is based on an application since you see the filter field labels as they appear in the form rather than the Data Dictionary descriptions of all of the columns in the table or business view.