Documentation Updates for EnterpriseOne Tools

The following table contains links to documentation updates in support of EnterpriseOne Tools




Pass OAuth 2.0 Client ID and Secret in the Request Body of an Orchestration

This enhancement provides the orchestration designer the choice of sending the client ID and client secret in the request header or in the request body, as is required by some third-party systems. With this added flexibility, Orchestrator can interact securely with a broader range of third-party systems.

See the following topic in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Orchestrator Guide:

Return REST Header Parameters as Orchestration Variables

Orchestrator can integrate with external REST services. Orchestration designers can parse values from the body of the response from those REST services, and pass those values to subsequent orchestration steps. This feature extends that capability to parameters that are passed through the response header instead of the body.

See the following topic in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Orchestrator Guide:

Array Variables for External REST Calls

The external service can return data either as simple variables, such as strings or numbers, or as an array such as a list of customer names, account numbers, and addresses. This feature enables you to map those returned arrays to orchestration variables, which can then be acted upon and iterated over by subsequent orchestration steps.

See the following topic in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Orchestrator Guide:

Secure Session Balancing across AIS Servers

This enhancement improves the scalability and fault tolerance of the EnterpriseOne architecture by facilitating a load of session requests to be shared among multiple AIS servers.

See the following topic in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Application Interface Services Server Reference Guide:

Select Multiple Rows in a Form Request

You can enter a comma delimited list of row numbers such as 1,2,4 as value for Select Row. In the previous releases it was possible to pass a single row number only. You can enter the row numbers as a Default Value or pass them into the Form Request through the variable defined for the Select Row action.

See the following topic in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Orchestrator Guide:

Pass a Version to a Report Service Request

This feature enables the orchestration designer to pass a report version into the report step dynamically as a variable. For example, for a report that has many versions, an orchestration designer can build a single report request and pass a version into that step from an orchestration input, or even from a value that is derived in a previous orchestration step. In this way, a single report step can serve to run any version of the report, giving orchestrations greater flexibility and intelligence.

See the following topic in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Orchestrator Guide: