Documentation Updates for EnterpriseOne Tools 9.2.5

The following table contains links to documentation updates in support of EnterpriseOne Tools 9.2.5:




Configurable AIS Session Initialization

Starting with Tools Release 9.2.5, you can use the Server Manager Console to configure the AIS Login On Demand setting for the HTML server. This setting ensures that the AIS session used by the HTML server is not established until it is required.

See the following topic in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Application Interface Services Server Reference Guide:

Allow Variables in REST File Uploads

The orchestration designer can use variables in the definition of the connector. For example, the name of a file might be represented by a variable, enabling the orchestration to dynamically determine the file that is to be uploaded.

See the following topic in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Orchestrator Guide:

Enhanced Configuration Between Enterprise and AIS Servers

Customers who deploy a single enterprise server for all the environments can now associate that enterprise server with AIS servers in multiple environments. This configurability facilitates the segregation of AIS servers across environments, such as development, test, and production, while making it possible for a single enterprise server to serve all the environments.

See the following topic in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Application Interface Services Server Reference Guide:

See the following topic in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Orchestrator Guide:

Assertion Framework for Orchestrations

The Orchestration Assertions functionality enables you to specify the values that you expect to be produced by an orchestration and validate the data produced by an orchestration. For example, youcan assert that a value is expected to be within a certain range or must match a specific numeric value.

See the following topic in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Orchestrator Guide:

Orchestrator Optimized Retrieval of Large Data Sets

This feature enables the Orchestrator to retrieve very large data sets, possibly thousands of rows, from the EnterpriseOne tables and pass the results in the orchestration output.

See the following topic in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Orchestrator Guide:

Improved Online Help

Users can use the application-level Help option on EnterpriseOne forms to search separately for EnterpriseOne documentation and UPK documentation. In addition, users can access LearnJDE, the JD Edwards resource library, from the user drop-down menu in the EnterpriseOne menu bar.

See the following topics in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Foundation Guide:

See the following topic in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne for iPad Quick Start Guide:

EnterpriseOne Search Improvements

EnterpriseOne Search has been enhanced with the following capabilities:

  • Exact match search
  • Exporting search results
  • Query and personal form selection in Related Actions
  • Search capabilities for available columns in Mapping section
  • Setting special values as additional attributes for date columns

See the following topics in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Using and Approving User Defined Objects Guide:

See the following topic in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne for iPad Quick Start Guide:

Form Extensibility Improvements: Adding Hidden Business View Columns to Grid and Marking Fields as Required

You can unhide business view grid columns that are hidden in the Form Design Aid. In addition, you can mark a field as a required field in a form extension.

See the following topics in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Using and Approving User Defined Objects Guide:

IDCS with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure

Adopting IDCS will provide additional choice for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne customers for their identity management needs.

See the following topics in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Security Administration Guide:

Development Client Simplification

The 9.2.5 Tools Rollup ESU delivers new definitions for an empty copy of the Central Object tables with new OCM mappings. These are the same tables created by a package build with US (User Specs) appended to the name.

Removal of the E1Local database modifies the component change in Server Manager.

The E1Local database is removed from the development client in Tools Release 9.2.5.

See the following topic in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Server Manager Guide:

See the following topics in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Package Management Guide:

See the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Object Management Workbench for the Web Guide

See the following topic in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Release Upgrade Process Guide:

Long Database Password

In Tools Release 9.2.5 and later you can use long database passwords. You must perform the software update process with the Security Server turned on if you are using long database passwords.

To use the long DB proxy password during an upgrade and ESU installation, you must have the Security Server on and you must add security overrides for all data sources related to the upgrade / ESU target environment.

See the following topic in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Software Updates Guide:

See the following topic in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Security Administration Guide:

Virtual Batch Queues

Starting with Tools Release 9.2.5, you can add or remove servers from a batch cloud virtual host without rerouting UBEs that are waiting to be processed. By using a virtual host, you can tie multiple EnterpriseOne batch processing servers to that virtual host name. This capability simplifies scaling of EnterpriseOne batch processing.

See the following topics in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Administration Guide:

Web Enable OMW

Starting with Tools Release 9.2.5, you can define, assemble, and deploy packages on the web server. Additionally, this capability enables you to automate, schedule, and send notifications about package builds using orchestrations.

You can use the Web Object Management Workbench program to advance or delete projects that contain non-User Defined Objects (non-UDOs).

See the following topics in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Package Management Guide:

See the following topics in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Object Management Workbench for the Web Guide: