Understanding the Task Tracking Application (Release 9.2.8)

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne provides the Task Tracking (P980070) application to review tasks and make changes to the value in the State field or Due Date field of an assigned task. You can also add and delete tasks manually using the application.

Using JD Edwards Orchestrator Studio, you can add a link to the Task Tracking application in Notifications by enabling the Task Tracking option. See Setting Up Task Tracking (Release 9.2.8).

In the Task Tracking application, you can view the list of tasks in a table with details such as Tracking ID, Description, Task State, Task Closed, Sent Date, Due Date, Last Changed Date, and so on.

When you open the Task Tracking application, the system displays all the open tasks associated with the current user (shown in the Address Number field) by default, and the tasks that are in the Terminal state are not displayed.

You can filter the tasks by using these options:

  • View All Tasks: Select this option to remove the current user filtering and to display all the tasks.
  • Open Tasks: Select this option to view only the tasks that are in an open state. Deselect this option to view all the tasks, including the terminal state tasks.
  • Sent to My Email: Select this option to find the tasks sent directly to the displayed email address in the Email field associated with the current user.

You can also sort the tasks by using the Sent Date and Description options from the Sort By drop-down list.

When you select a particular task from the table, the system displays the Edit Task Tracking window. You can view further details about the task in the Task Details and Task State tabs, and review the task history in the History table. In the Task State tab, you can use the State drop-down list to change the value of the State field. Or, you can right-click the task in the Task Tracking application, select Change State to access the Task State window, and then change the value in the New State drop-down list. You must click OK to save your changes.

You can also update the Due Date field depending on the configuration of the task.

You can add media object attachments while changing the state of the task. To add an attachment while changing the state, click the Add Attachments button, add the media object, and then click Save. You can view the attachments added for each state change made by any user in the History table, and you can edit the attachments if you are the listed user that made the state change.