Setting Up UDO Security for Notifications and Schedules

Out of the box, Orchestrator Studio users do not have access to Orchestrator Studio design pages or permission to create, publish, or modify orchestration UDOs. Access to the design pages and authorization to work with orchestration UDOs is controlled through UDO security in the EnterpriseOne Security Workbench (P00950).

Notifications and schedules are managed as separate UDO types. You have to set up UDO security for notifications and schedules if you plan to use them. If you want to invoke an orchestration from a notification, you must also set up permissions to use the other orchestration components.

Before setting up UDO security for an orchestration UDO type, that orchestration UDO type must be set up with the proper "Allowed Actions" in the OMW Configuration System (P98230) application. See "Define Allowed Actions for UDO Types" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Security Administration Guide for more information.

The following sections provide details and recommendations for setting up UDO feature, UDO action, and UDO view security for notifications and schedules.

UDO Feature Security for Notifications and Schedules

You must use UDO feature security to activate notification and Schedule design pages. Out of the box, the design pages are not activated.

Because development of a notification can sometimes require other types of UDOs (for example, Watchlists, schedules, orchestrations), you must activate all pertinent UDOs through UDO feature security. If you do not activate these through UDO feature security, users cannot access the associated components and component design pages.

UDO feature security is NOT set up by user, role, or *PUBLIC. It is a system setting for activating or deactivating notifications and schedules in the Orchestrator Studio.

See "Managing UDO Feature Security" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Security Administration Guide.

UDO Action Security for Notifications and Schedules

UDO action security controls the actions users can perform in the Orchestrator Studio, or in other words, the buttons users can use in each component design page. You must set up UDO action security for each component type that you are going to use with your notifications (for example, notifications, Watchlists, schedules, rules, orchestrations).

Recommendation: To simplify UDO action security for Orchestrator Studio users, it is recommended that you grant "Create, Publish, Modify" permissions to all Orchestrator Studio users for each orchestration component type. Also, users must assign a product code to each orchestration component that they create. This gives you the option to set up UDO action security by product code so that all users can work with orchestration components associated with a particular product code.

See "Managing UDO Action Security" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Security Administration Guide.

UDO View Security for Notifications and Schedules

UDO view security determines which Orchestrator Studio users are authorized to view UDOs that have been shared. UDO view security is set up by user, role, or *PUBLIC. You can set up UDO view security for each shared notification or schedule or for all shared UDOs of a particular UDO type. Again, you need to consider which UDOs are used by your notifications and ensure that UDO view security is set up properly.

See "Managing UDO View Security" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Security Administration Guide and "Managing Orchestrator Studio Security" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Orchestrator Guide.