Test the Orchestrator Studio Implementation for Notifications

To test the Orchestrator Studio implementation for notifications, you can create and run a simple notification to ensure that everything is working correctly. This section walks you through creating a very simple notification to test your set up.

To test the Orchestrator Studio implementation for notifications:

  1. Sign on to Orchestrator Studio.

  2. Click the Notifications icon.

  3. Click the New button on the side panel, if you are using the Orchestrator Studio 9.2.4.

    If you are using the previous version of the Orchestrator Studio, click the New Notification button.

  4. Give the new Notification a name (such as Test Notification).

  5. Leave the Notification Type as "Simple."

  6. Click the triangle to open the Message section of the Notification design page.

  7. Type a subject and a body for the notification.

  8. Click the Save icon.

  9. Click the Tools link.

  10. Click the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne icon to launch the EnterpriseOne web client in a new browser tab.

  11. Sign on to EnterpriseOne using the same user ID you used to sign on to Orchestrator Studio.

  12. Click the drop-down list under the user ID in the upper-right hand corner and choose My Subscriptions.

  13. Click Add Subscription and choose the notification you created in the Orchestrator Studio.

  14. Click the Save icon.

  15. Return to the Orchestrator Studio browser tab.

  16. Click the Notification link in the top-left corner and return to the notification you created.

  17. Click the Test button.

  18. Click the switch to Dispatch Notifications.

  19. Click the Execute button.

    You should receive a response that looks like this:

      "success": true,
      "received": false
  20. Go back to the browser tab with your EnterpriseOne web client session.

  21. Click the X button to close the Subscription Manager form.

  22. In the EnterpriseOne menu bar, click the Notification List (bell) icon to open the notification list. Verify that you received the notification you created.