Working with Assigned Subscriptions

Use Assigned Subscriptions (P980053X) to view, add, delete, or modify notification subscriptions. Within Assigned Subscriptions, select the notification for which you would like to create a subscription and then define your subscription as follows:

  • Allow Subscribers to Opt Out. Use this option to specify whether you will allow subscribers to individually opt out of receiving the notification.

  • Configuration. Define general information, delivery instructions, and the subscriber list for your subscription.

  • Inputs. View, override, or allow subscribers to override the notification inputs for the subscription. This section is editable only if the notification has been designed to allow inputs.

  • Policy. Specify more detailed instructions for when you want the notification message delivered and whether the subscriber can override these instructions. For example, if the notification is Watchlist-based, do you want a notification sent only when the Watchlist level changes to critical or each time it remains critical?

When you open Assigned Subscriptions, you see only the assigned subscriptions that you have created and assigned. Use the Show All option in the upper-left corner to show all assigned subscriptions.

With Release, Show All has been moved into a Show drop-down menu, from which you can choose All or Mine. Selecting Mine displays only the assigned subscriptions that you have created.