Creating a Component

You can use the Orchestrator Studio to create service requests such as form requests, data requests, connectors, and so on along with other components such as connections, white list, rules.

  1. On the Orchestrator Studio Home page, click the icon for the type of component that you want to create:

    Form Requests

    Data Requests





    Custom Requests



    Cross References

    White Lists



    Logic Extensions

    The Orchestrator Studio displays the component side panel.

  2. On the component side panel, click New.

    Alternatively, access the Orchestration in design mode and click the plus icon(+) to add a component to an orchestration. Select the component type that you want to create from the New Step Type list and then click the New button.

  3. On the component design page, complete these fields:

    1. Name. Enter a name for the component. Do not include special characters in the name.

    2. Short description field. Enter a description with a maximum of 200 characters. This description will appear below the component name in the component list.

    3. (Optional) Click Long Description to provide additional details about the purpose of the components.

    4. Product Code. Click the Product Code drop-down list to select a product code to associate with the component. Adding a product code enables the administrator to manage UDO security for orchestration components by product code.

  4. With Release, you can enter a category for the orchestrations or the orchestration components. The Category drop-down list displays the orchestrator categories if any exist. You can choose from the available categories or enter a new value in the Category field.

    Using the Category feature, you can sort, filter, group, and export orchestrations by a category label.

    Important: To obtain the Category feature, you must download the Tools electronic software update (ESU).
    • The Orchestrator Studio supports only those categories that have the Category Type Code value as "ORCH" in the Category Manager.

    • As Connections are not user defined objects, you cannot add Categories for Orchestrator Connections.

  5. Click the Share button if you want to save your orchestrator category for reuse by others.

    After you click the Share button, a record is created in the Category Manager with the Category Type Code value as "ORCH".

    Note: The Share button is available only if an administrator has given you the permission to add values in the Category Manager application (P980058). If you cannot access the Share button, you can only use the existing orchestrator categories. For more information on Category Manager, see Working with Categories in this guide.
  6. Click Save.

A new component is saved, for the first time as a "Personal" UDO. After configuring the component, you can use the UDO options that are described in the User Defined Object (UDO) Features in the Orchestrator Studio section to move the component to the appropriate status.

Starting with Tools Release, when you edit a UDO component that can be added to an orchestration, you will see the Create Orchestration option in the Manage drop-down menu.

When you click this option, the system creates a new orchestration that contains only the UDO component that you edited. The name, description, product code, and category fields are automatically populated with the same values as the UDO component. The system automatically creates and maps the UDO component’s input as the orchestration input, and it returns the UDO component’s output as the orchestration output. The new orchestration will then open in the orchestration editor, and you have the opportunity to edit or rename the orchestration before saving it. If you exit the orchestration editor without saving, the orchestration will be discarded. Once you click Save to save the orchestration, the orchestration is ready to run. This feature enables you to test a new orchestration component soon after you create it, and you can rapidly promote a standalone orchestration step into a complete and runnable orchestration.