Data Structure

In the Data Structure tab, you can define the inputs and outputs of the logic extension. You can add a data dictionary item, a Boolean(Release, an array(Release 9.2.7), or a control (Release to your data structure.

Starting with Tools Release 9.2.7, the logic extensions can accept arrays as inputs and return arrays as outputs for efficient iterative processing. The input arrays could come from orchestration inputs or from the results of a previous orchestration step.

The Data Dictionary tab contains a table with these columns:
  • ID: This field displays an automatically generated unique identification number for the data dictionary item.
  • Name: This field displays the name of the data dictionary item. This is an editable field.
    Note: The maximum allowed length for a name is 26 characters. If you enter a name longer than 26 characters, the system truncates the name to the first 26 characters while processing.
  • Dictionary: This field displays the data dictionary number.
  • Data Type: This field displays the data type of the data dictionary item.
    Note: The following data types are allowed in the Data Structure tab: Character, Boolean, Date, Integer, String, Variable String, JDE UTime, Identifier, and Numeric.
    Note: For a control, the following selections are allowed: Form Control(default) and Form Control List.
  • Required: Enable or disable this filed as required.
  • IO Type: Select Input Only, Output Only, or Both options in this field.
  • Output Variable: If the IO Type is defined as Output Only or Both, the same value that is in the Name field is displayed by default in the Output Variable field. This is an editable field. You can change this value and use it as an identifier for output when you process the logic extension.

A Menu icon is displayed next to the ID field to indicate that you can drag and drop the data dictionary items to reorder them.