Enabling Orchestrator Health and Exception Tracking in Server Manager

An administrator must enable performance and exception tracking in the AIS Server configuration settings in Server Manager. When enabled, the system stores health and exception records in the Health (F980061) and Exception (F980060) tables in EnterpriseOne. Data from these records is used to display health and exception details in the Orchestrator Monitor (P980060X).

The AIS Server contains an additional setting to enable management of health and exception records stored in the aforementioned tables through the EnterpriseOne Orchestrator Health and Exceptions program (P980060). Access to these records in P980060 requires providing the credentials of an EnterpriseOne user who has read-write access to these tables.

In addition, in the AIS Server configuration settings, you can specify how the system processes errors and warnings returned from form requests within orchestrations.

Note: If debugging is enabled on the AIS Server, the AIS Server log will indicate that an exception was saved to the database each time the Orchestrator generates an exception.
Caution: Based on the number of sessions, exception records in the database have the potential to grow rapidly.

To enable exception tracking:

  1. In Server Manager, under the Advanced configuration settings for the AIS Server, locate the General Settings section.

  2. In the General settings, click the Save Orchestration Exceptions check box to enable Orchestrator health and exception tracking.

  3. In the "Full path to exceptions directory" field, enter a path to a directory on the AIS Server where exceptions are saved if the system temporarily goes offline.

    When the system resumes, exceptions in the file system are automatically written to the F980060 table.

    If you do not complete this field, files will be saved to a temporary directory on the AIS Server.

  4. To enable access to health and exception records in P980060, enter the credentials of an EnterpriseOne user who has read-write access to F980061 and F980060 tables:

    • Exception/Health Monitor User

    • Exception/Health Monitor Password

    This makes these records accessible through the EnterpriseOne Orchestrator Health and Orchestrator Exceptions program (P980060).

  5. In the Exception Scenario field, enter either or both of the following values if you want errors and warnings returned from form requests to be processed as failures:


      Enter if you want errors returned by a form request to be processed as a failure.


      Enter if you want warnings returned by a form request to be processed as a failure. This level of error handling works only for form requests configured with the "Stop on Warnings" setting in the Orchestrator Studio.