Loading EnterpriseOne Application Form Fields and Controls

  1. Click the First button and then complete the following fields in the pop-up window:

    • Application. Enter the application ID.

    • Form. Click the drop-down list to select the form.

    • Version. Enter the version ID.

      If you leave the Version field blank, the Orchestrator will use the default version while executing the form request.

      Leaving the version field blank with the Application Stack option selected enables you to pass in the version from an orchestration input. This enables you to configure an orchestration that includes rules with conditions so that clients can call different versions dynamically.

      You can define a version in the form request and still override the version. When adding a form request to an orchestration, you can select the version variable that is available in the list of transformations. This is applicable to form requests with the Application Stack option selected.

      When you add the form request to an orchestration, click the Add Inputs to Orchestration button to add the variable that represents the version to the Orchestration Inputs area. The variable is displayed with the application ID followed by _Version, for example P03013_Version.

    • Form Mode. Click the Form Mode drop-down list and select the appropriate form mode: Add, Update, or Inquiry.

      At runtime, the controls that appear on an EnterpriseOne form may be dependent on the form mode as specified in the Form Design Aid (FDA). The form mode ensures that you can see all of the form controls in the Orchestrator Studio that are available in the form at runtime.

    • Bypass Form Processing in Studio. This option enables the form request to ignore event rules when loading the form fields and controls in the Available Actions grid. For example, some forms have event rules to perform a find action on entry or to hide certain fields. These actions can cause the load to fail or prevent certain fields from loading in the Available Actions grid.

    • Query Name. From this drop-down list, you can select a predefined query to use for the filtering criteria. You can use a query instead of or in combination with the filtering criteria that are defined in a form request. The queries that you can see in this list are based on UDO security permissions.

    • Stop on Warning. Enable this option if you want the processing to stop if the invoked EnterpriseOne form generates a "Warning" message. Keep this option disabled if you want processing to continue after a warning message.

      Prior to Tools Release, when running a form service request for some applications such as P48013 you had to press the OK button twice to process the OK-Button Clicked event a second time if you encountered a warning message.

      As of Tools Release, when the Stop on Warning option is disabled in a form service request, the system automatically runs the OK-Button Clicked event a second time to more closely follow the flow that occurs when the application is run through the web client. Because of this change, you are not required to press the OK button the second time for applications such as P48013.

    • Run Form Service Request Event.

      This option enables you to configure whether the Form Service Request Event runs when the form is executed from an orchestration. Form Service Request Event is an form design aid (FDA) event that is executed only when an application is run through a form service request from the AIS server.

    • Exclude Summary Row (Release

      This option gives you the control over whether to include the summary row of a grid as part of the output of a form request.

      Many EnterpriseOne forms contain grids with a summary row that provides totals for certain columns. For example, Sales Order Detail provides a summary row that totals the Extended Amount for all the orders in the grid. For an end user that summary row can provide some very useful information, but when Orchestrator reads the grid, the summary row might be an unwanted extra row. For example, when writing an orchestration to return the count of order lines in the grid, including the summary row would result in an incorrect count.

    • Turbo Mode. Use this option to reduce processing time of form requests. See "Using Turbo Mode" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Application Interface Services Client Java API Developer's Guide for more information.

  2. Click the Save and Load button.

    The Orchestrator Studio loads the controls and the fields in the grid. The name of the form is displayed above the Order of Execution grid.

  3. Click the Form Request Options button and select the following options as appropriate:

    • Application Stack. Application stack processing enables the form request to establish a session for a specific application and maintain the session across calls. With application stack processing, the form request can invoke multiple forms in different applications to complete a business process. Without application stack processing, each form in the form request is opened independently.

      If you use the Application Stack option, you must configure the form request with the actions to navigate between forms. Without this navigation, additional forms will not be called. The other considerations when selecting values to be returned from forms in an Application Stack are described in Configuring Form Request Actions.

    • Return Data From All Forms. Enabled by default. This option specifies whether to return data from all the forms or just the last form.

    • Run Synchronously. Enabled by default, this ensures that the form request completes all actions before the Orchestrator executes the next step in the orchestration. This option also ensures that the events in the EnterpriseOne application are run synchronously. This option is recommended if there are steps that follow the form request in the orchestration or if you configure the form request to return a response.

      Caution: If the form request involves invoking a control that launches an asynchronous report or any long running process, it is possible that the Orchestrator could time out if Run Synchronously is enabled.

      You can access more options for configuration. You can configure settings that control how the AIS Server processes a form request in an orchestration at runtime. These options determine how the form request will be processed. See Configuring Form Request and Data Request Processingfor more information.

    The Orchestrator Studio loads the controls and the fields in the Available Actions grid. The name of the form is displayed above the Order of Execution grid.

    If a form request needs to invoke more than one application to complete the desired task, you can load controls and fields for additional application forms. You can use the Add Form controls such as First, Before, After, and Last to place the additional application forms according your requirement.

    You can remove the form by clicking the Delete Form icon (X sign).