Page Size Considerations

You can use page size for data services and form services (application stack) to indicate the number of records that the AIS Server fetches at a time through the HTML Server. Using this functionality may help when the data or form request expects a large data set. The data request or the form request, instead of requesting all of the records in a single operation, can request a chunk at a time, store (buffer) the record on the AIS Server, and then return the complete set of records in the response to the caller.

For a form service, it is important to consider where to place the "Return Form Data" action when you want the orchestration to return grid data. If your application stack contains multiple forms with grids, and you want to use the paging option to return all the data for a grid, you must place the "Return Form Data" action after the Find action.

Note: It is unnecessary to use the paging setting if you do not expect to get large numbers of records or have not had any issues in getting large record sets. While this setting helps with the large data sets, it may slow down requests for smaller data sets. A request that works fine to return 1000 records in one response would run much slower if the page size is set to 100. The slowdown is because the request would be executing ten times the number of AIS to HTML server communications.