Understanding Open Standards for Orchestrations

Open standards for orchestrations allow external systems to discover orchestrations, including their inputs and outputs, by using the OpenAPI 2.0 standard (formerly known as "Swagger") or OpenAPI 3.0. This also enables products that conform to this standard to discover and execute orchestrations natively using this standard. Many products, including development, integration, automation, testing, and documentation tools, have libraries that support these standards.

Open standards for orchestrations give you the ability to:

  • Return a list of orchestrations available on an AIS server secured by standard authentication.

  • Return a list of inputs and input types for an orchestration.

  • Return a list of outputs and output types for an orchestration.

  • Return the text description of an orchestration.

  • Discover orchestrations from any OpenAPI 2.0 or 3.0 compliant consumer.

This applies to any orchestrations that you have created.

You can generate a document that lists all available orchestrations, including their inputs, in a format that complies with specifications such as OpenAPI and Swagger. This feature enables integrations with third-party systems that need to discover and invoke orchestrations as JD Edwards EnterpriseOne REST APIs.

To generate the Swagger or the OpenAPI documents, in the Orchestrator Studio home page, click the Tools menu, click Definitions, and then select the Swagger or OpenAPI options. The system downloads the swagger.json or the openapi.json file respectively.

However, there are instances in which you may want to exclude certain orchestrations from the JSON document. For example, some orchestrations might not be intended to be directly called from an external system but rather only to be called as child orchestrations from a parent orchestration. Starting with Tools Release, you can mark orchestrations as private, thus excluding them from the list of available orchestrations in the OpenAPI and Swagger documents.

To exclude an orchestration from the Swagger and OpenAPI documents, open the orchestration and click the Do not publish in Open API (lock) button at the upper corner of the page. The Publish in OpenAPI (unclock) button is enabled by default for the existing orchestrations.