Understanding Schedules

The Orchestrator Studio enables you to create and assign a schedule to an orchestration. A schedule determines how often the Orchestrator executes an orchestration. For example, with a schedule, you can create an orchestration that regularly checks for a Watchlist threshold, and sends a notification to the appropriate users when the threshold is exceeded.

You define a schedule using minutes, hours, days, or a Cron string. Cron is a scheduling utility in which cryptic strings are used to define an interval. Then you associate a schedule to an orchestration to determine how often the orchestration runs. You can attach the same schedule to multiple orchestrations.

You must have been granted required UDO security to create schedules. Schedules are managed as UDOs. As a result you need the proper UDO security to publish and share your schedules for others to use, or use schedules that others have published.

The scheduler is a process on the Application Interface Services (AIS) server that starts, stops, and manages schedules. An administrator uses the Scheduler page to start and stop schedules.