Creating a White List

  1. Access the White List design page:

    • On the Orchestrator Home page, click the White Lists icon. And then on the White Lists design page, click the New White List button.


    • After adding a White List step to the grid in the Orchestration design page, click the Edit button next to the step.

    The Orchestrator Studio displays the White Lists design page.

  2. In the White Lists design page, click the New White List button.

  3. In the White List, enter a name for the white list.

    Do NOT include spaces in the white list name.

  4. In the Object Type field, enter a name for the object type.

    The value you enter in the Object Type field must match a cross reference object type in the EnterpriseOne Business Services Cross Reference application (P952000).

    The cross reference object type is a named group of records in P952000. For example, you may have thousands of records in P952000. You can use cross reference object types, for example "Equipment" or "Alert_Notification_Recipients" to group cross reference records into manageable categories. You define the cross reference object types as needed. See Setting Up Cross References and White Lists in EnterpriseOne (P952000) for more information.

  5. In the Input Key column, enter the input that you want to add as a permitted input.

  6. Click the Save button.

You can also create a new white list by copying an existing white list. To do so:

  1. After accessing the White Lists design page from the Orchestrator Studio Home page, select an existing white list from the list of available white lists.

  2. Click the Copy White List button.

  3. In the pop-up window, enter a name for white list in the New White List field.

    Do NOT include spaces in the white list name.

  4. Click the Continue button and then modify the white list as necessary.