Creating an Open API Connection (Release

  1. On the Tools page in the Orchestrator Studio, click the Connections icon.

  2. On the Connections page, click New Connection.

  3. On Connection Information, complete these fields:

    • Name. Enter a unique name for the Open API connection.

    • Description. Enter a description to identify the connection.

    • Type. Select Open API.

    • User/Role. Enter the user authorized to access the connection. The user can be an EnterpriseOne user, role, or *PUBLIC.

    • Environment. Enter the environment where the connections reside.

  4. On the Service Information tab, in the Endpoint field, enter the URL for accessing the Open API - 2.0 documentation through which you can access the Server Manager REST services.

    For example: https://<server_manager_console_host:port/ manage/mgmtrestservice/v1/open-api-catalog>

  5. On the Security tab, enter the credentials for accessing the external REST services.

    • Security Policy

      Select the authentication type as Basic Authorization accessing the Server Manager Console.

    • User

    • Password

  6. When a proxy server is present, connection is made through that server. On the Proxy tab, specify a proxy server for accessing the external server:

    • Proxy Host. Enter the URL of the proxy server.

    • Proxy Port. Enter the port number of the proxy server.

    • Use Proxy. Toggle right to enable the proxy.

  7. When complete, click Save at the top of the Connections page.

    • Server Manager REST services can be hosted on the same server as the SMC or on a different server.

    • The credentials used for accessing the REST services and the Open API documentation is same as mentioned in the Security section.