Reviewing General Exception Information in the List View

The List view displays the following general information about orchestration, notification, and schedule exceptions:

  • Request Received

    The date and time the request to the orchestration, notification, or schedule on the AIS Server was received.

  • Name

    The name of the UDO. The icon next to it indicates if it is an orchestration A symbol that represents an orchestration., notification A symbol that represents a notification., or schedule A symbol that represents a schedule..

  • Exception

    The name and details of the exception.

  • Status Code

    The HTTP status that was returned when the orchestration or notification was called.

  • User

    The user who invoked the orchestration or notification. In the case of a scheduled object, the user who initiated the schedule start.

  • Environment

    This is the environment that the user who invoked the UDO signed in to. In other words, it is the environment in which the UDO was executed. To view the performance of UDOs deployed to a particular environment, see Monitoring UDOs Based on Different EnterpriseOne User, Environment, or Role for more information.

  • Product Code

    The product code associated with the UDO when it was created.