Testing an Orchestration in the EnterpriseOne Orchestrator Client

To access the Orchestrator Client:

  1. On the Orchestrator Studio Home page, click the Tools link in the upper-right corner.

  2. On the Tools page, click the Orchestrator Client icon.

  3. On the Orchestrator Client Sign In screen, enter your EnterpriseOne User credentials, environment, and role.

    It is highly recommended that you enter an EnterpriseOne environment used for testing, not a production environment.

  4. Click the Login button.

To test an orchestration:

  1. In the Orchestrator Client, click the Orchestrator Name drop-down list and select an orchestration.

    The Orchestrator Client displays the inputs or name-value pairs in the Inputs area, which should be defined in the orchestration as the expected input to the orchestration. If the inputs do not appear, return to the Orchestrator Studio and define inputs for the orchestration before continuing.

  2. In the Value column, enter a value for each input.

    These are the values that the orchestration will pass to EnterpriseOne.

  3. If needed, you can click the add icon (plus symbol) to add and define additional inputs.

  4. Click the Generic Inputs check box if the orchestration uses the generic format for inputs.

    Leave it unchecked if the orchestration uses the standard JD Edwards EnterpriseOne format.

    For more information about input formats, see Supported Input Message Formats.

  5. Click Run to test the orchestration.

    The Input and Output areas show the orchestration input and response respectively in JSON format.

    If the test was successful, the Orchestrator Client displays a green check mark next to the Input and Output areas. If desired, you can access EnterpriseOne and confirm that the transaction was completed by the orchestration.

    If unsuccessful, the Orchestrator Client displays an "x" symbol and the Output area displays the error response in JSON format. If the orchestration fails, modify the orchestration and test it again. Make sure to click the XML Cache Refresh button to ensure the modified files are used in the next test.

    With EnterpriseOne Tools, you can use the Refresh Cache button on the Orchestrator Client page to access the components (such as service requests, orchestrations, and so on) those created outside of your current session. For the objects that were shared while the session is open, you will have to close it and sign in again to access the shared objects.

  6. To test another orchestration or start over, click the Clear button to reset the Orchestration Client, which clears all values in the form.

To use JSON input for the orchestration test:

  1. Click the JSON Input check box.

  2. Enter the input in JSON format directly in the Input area.

  3. Click the Format button to verify that the syntax of the JSON is correct.

    If not formatted correctly, a dialog box displays an error message about the JSON.

  4. Click Run to test the orchestration.