Understanding the Orchestrator Client

The EnterpriseOne Orchestrator Client is a web application for testing orchestrations. It is available with a deployed AIS Server and runs in a web browser. You can access the Orchestrator Client from the Orchestrator Studio. Oracle recommends that you use the Orchestrator Client with an EnterpriseOne test environment, as any tests performed result in EnterpriseOne transactions that add data to the database.

In the Orchestrator Client, you can test your personal orchestrations or shared orchestrations to which you have been granted access. When you select an orchestration to test, the Orchestrator Client displays the inputs defined for the orchestration in the Inputs area, where you enter values for the inputs and then run the test. As an alternative, the Orchestrator Client gives you the option to enter raw JSON code for the input.

The following image shows an example of testing an orchestration designed to place a customer on credit hold, where customer number 3001 was entered for the Customer input:

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Orchestrator Client

The Orchestrator Client displays a green check mark if the orchestration completes successfully. The Input area displays the orchestration request in JSON, and the Output area displays the orchestration response in JSON. If the orchestration was unsuccessful, the Orchestrator Client displays an "x" symbol and the Output area displays the error in JSON.

To execute the test, the Orchestrator Client invokes the orchestration on the AIS Server, passing the test values to the orchestration and in turn to the orchestration's service request to perform a transaction in EnterpriseOne. The Orchestrator Client passes the request to the AIS Server in JSON format. The AIS Server provides a JSON over REST interface (HTTP), a light-weight interface that enables AIS clients to interact with EnterpriseOne applications and forms.