Understanding the Orchestrator Studio and Orchestrations

The Orchestrator Studio is a web-based application for creating orchestrations and the components that comprise an orchestration. All orchestrations and orchestration components that you create in the Orchestrator Studio are saved as separate files in an orchestration directory on the EnterpriseOne Application Interface Services (AIS) Server. The Orchestrator uses these files to process a single orchestration instance on the AIS Server.

Use the Orchestrator Studio to create the following components:

  • Orchestrations. An orchestration is the master component that provides a unique name for an orchestration process. The orchestration is where you define the inputs for the orchestration, the expected incoming data from a device. The orchestration also includes orchestration steps, which are invocations to the other components described in this list. When the Orchestrator invokes an orchestration, it processes the steps defined in the orchestration to enable the transfer of data from third-party systems to EnterpriseOne.

  • Service Requests. A service request contains a sequence of actions to perform a particular process in EnterpriseOne. The Orchestrator uses the service request as an invocation of a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne interactive application or a Java application via a REST service call to the AIS Server.

  • Rules. A set of conditions that the input to the orchestration is evaluated against to produce a true or false state. With rules, a false outcome or true outcome can invoke further orchestration steps. You can also nest rules, in which an outcome of one rule can invoke a different rule, to produce complex evaluations. You can also use custom Java to define rules.

  • Cross References. A set of data relationships that map third-party values to EnterpriseOne values. For example, a device's serial number can be cross-referenced to a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Equipment Number for use in service requests.

  • White Lists. A white list contains an inclusive list of values permitted in the orchestration and terminates the orchestration process if the data is not recognized.

Note: A simple orchestration requires at a minimum an orchestration and a service request to run.

In the Orchestrator Studio, each component that you create can be added as a step in an orchestration. The following image shows the drop-down list of steps. Each step in an orchestration is simply a reference to a cross reference, rule, service request, or white list component.

Orchestration Steps in the Orchestrator Studio