Update Equipment Location Sample Orchestration

The "Update Equipment Location" sample orchestration creates a new equipment location to store the current latitude and longitude of the asset. The orchestration is defined in the JDE_ORCH_Sample_UpdateEquipmentLocation.xml file located in the Orchestrations folder. This sample orchestration includes:

  • A cross reference orchestration step that converts the incoming DeviceID into EquipmentNumber. This cross reference is defined in the JDE_XREF_Sample_Equipment.xml file in the CrossReferences folder.

  • A final orchestration step that includes the service request JDE_SREQ_Sample_UpdateEquipmentLocation.xml. This service request runs a series of applications using the application stack service to create the equipment location details. The application stack service flow performs the following tasks:

    1. Accesses P1704 application - Work with Equipment Locations.

    2. Invokes the Add button to create a new equipment location header record.

    3. After the record is created, the record is queried back in the Work With Equipment Locations form.

    4. It then accesses the Details form and saves the latitude, longitude, and elevation in this form.